It was less than a year ago we had a chance to choose our nominee for Toronto-Centre – and soon we will be asked to do so again.
A lot has happened since then; Justin Trudeau has solidified our party in the hearts and minds of Canadians, we won the Toronto Centre by election – by working together; and we just finished a terrific Biennial convention in Montreal.
A lot has been happening in our party.
Elections Canada too has been busy, and in the next election downtown Toronto will see the two ridings of Toronto Centre and Trinity-Spadina split into three.
A year ago I ran because I knew I could make a meaningful contribution to our community here at home and as a member of Justin Trudeau’s team in Ottawa. That hasn’t changed. And that’s why I’m once again putting my name forward.
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Speaking and engaging with members of our riding association was an amazing experience. I look forward to seeing you all again and meeting those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of speaking with yet.
I hope I can count on your consideration.
All the best,